Heidi Sleper

Heidi Sleper is a resident of Wheaton and is the co-founder of Kurtz, Sleper & Exline, LLC in Wheaton. She has worked for almost twenty years in private practice as an advocate for employees’ rights in the workplace and has represented the employment needs of small businesses.

Ms. Sleper specializes in representing public employees working at municipal, county, and State levels of government.

In addition to serving with numerous community organizations, Ms. Sleper has been an active member of the Emerson Elementary School PTA and Monroe Middle School PTA, where she served on the scholarship committee, was a member of the Falcon Wings Wheaton North booster organization, and was a team parent for the Wheaton North Boys Soccer team.

Ms. Sleper is a mother of two children in District 200. She wants to serve with the Student Excellence Foundation to help ensure all Wheaton-Warrenville students have great educational opportunities.