Employer: Head of Sales Operations at Shipwell, a startup providing automation, visibility, and connectivity to supply chains. Past: AdGooroo/Kantar, KGM Consulting , LaSalle Bank/ABN AMRO, eLoyalty/Technology Solutions Company
District 200 Students: Two sons who attended Hawthorne Elementary and are currently attending Franklin and will attend Wheaton North next year.
Community & Service Experience:
- Member of District 200 Enrollment Committee
- Peoples Resource Center: Computer Instructor and Food Pantry Volunteer
- Advisory Board Member for Simmons Knife and Saw, a family-owned manufacturing company in Glendale Heights
- Hawthorne PTA: Former President, Vice President, District PTA Rep, Member of District PTA scholarship committee 2014-2018
- UNICEF: Kantar Leadership Challenge member in Peru 2018
Kara graduated with a BS in both Management Information Systems and Decision Sciences from Miami University in Oxford Ohio. She’s married to Colin Murphy, a local business owner and youth coach in every sport that their sons have played, with both parents chauffeuring or attending sporting events most days of the week. Kara has spent her career improving people, process, and technology efficiencies across various companies and industries.